Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sue Scheff: A Parents' Guide to Middle School Years

By Joe Bruzzese
As I am half way through this book, I am very impressed, and can't wait to finish. Why? Not because I have middle school kids (I have young adults, but I wish I had this book and advice back then), but I am anxious to pass this on to my sister since my niece will be entering Middle School next year.
What I am saying is - if you have a child entering Middle School this fall, this book is an educational and valuable book that can help you prepare for the changes your child is about to confront.
From peer pressure, to "sex talk", to bullying and much more - the Middle School years can be the most challenging.
As the Founder of Parents' Universal Resource Experts, I receive calls from parents daily that are struggling with their teens, usually in High School already, and I can't help but think if parents had this book prior Middle School, many of the problems kids face in High School could be limited or at least handled with ease.
I can't wait to finish this book - (unfortunately I don't have much free time as I would like, but I will finish it, since I can't wait to pass it on).
Purchase or learn more here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1587613417