Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sue Scheff: Summer Reading for Parents and Teens

It is that time of the year again, time to pick your summer books.  Of course there are some people that would rather pick up People Magazine or other tabloid papers, however why not take the time to learn how to be a better parent or help your teenager to get ready for their upcoming school year?

Listed in the slideshow below (in no particular order) are ten books to consider for your summer reading.  Whether it is about guiding your at-risk teen in a positive direction, or learning on to maintain your digital image, one thing is for sure, education is the key to surviving in today's world.

Education meaning reading as much as you can about peer pressure, bullying, cyberbullying, texting, cell phone safety, teen body image, teen sex and much more that faces our kids today.

Please feel free to leave other recommended books in comments.  List your favorites, share titles, authors and why they were your favorite!  Or just leave the book titles.  Parenting networking is helps you become a better informed parent.

There are many excellent books and only a limited space to write them all in.

In the slideshow are the following books and their websites:
  1. Big Book of Parenting Solutions, by Michele Borba
  2. Boys, Girls and Other Hazardous Materials by Rosalind Wiseman
  3. Odd Girl Speaks Out by Rachel Simmons
  4. Curse of the Good Girl by Rachel Simmons
  5. Queen Bee Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman
  6. You'd Be Pretty If.... by Dara Chadwick
  7. Brave: Be Ready and Victory's Easy, a Story About Social Anxiety  by Marjie Knudsen and Jenne Henderson
  8. Wild West 2.0 by Michael Fertik and David Thompson
  9. Wit's End! Advice and Resources for Saving Your Out of Control Teen by Sue Scheff
  10. Google Bomb! How the $11.3M Verdict Changed The Way We Use the Internet by Sue Scheff
This list could go on forever!  Read, read, read and educate yourself and our kids through the pages of many authorsPlease remember to list your favorite books in comments here.

Watch slideshow.