Thursday, April 7, 2011

Teen study with disturbing results: 5 or more drinks, no biggy

April is Alcohol Awareness Month and a new teen study just released has teen drug (including drinking) use trending in a negative direction.

Downing five or more alcoholic drinks nearly every day isn't seen as a big problem for many of the nation's teens, says a new report. 

According to the report:

Teens See Little Risk in Heavy Drinking; Parents Feel They Can’t Stop Risky Behavior
Weak perceptions of risk and a perceived “normalization” of underage drinking underlie the PATS survey data on adolescent alcohol use.
  • Almost half of teens (45 percent) reported they do not see a “great risk” in heavy daily drinking.
  • Only 31 percent of teens strongly disapprove of teens and peers their age getting drunk.
  • A majority of teens, seven out of 10 (73 percent), report having friends who drink alcohol at least once a week.
While the number one reason teens reported using alcohol is that they think “it’s fun to drink” (60 percent), a significant number of teens reported using alcohol to deal with stress.
As communities, schools and parents continue to be proactive in educating teens and kids about the risks and dangers of drugs and alcohol, it seems teens still believe they are invulnerable.  It is time to step it up and create stronger campaigns against substance abuse.

The Partnership at is an organization that is taking action.  With resources such as Time to Get Help, offers valuable information and tools for parents, teens and educators.

Visit if you are considering outside help for your teen.

Read more.