Raising teenagers may feel as if you are going through a tornado and hurricane combined. However on a very serious note, teens need guidance, assurance, security and most of all - trust from their parents.
That may sound like a lot, however with today's society of peer pressure and technology, it is important we talk to our kids about a variety of sensitive subjects.
One of them is dating.
When your teen has become of age that you permit them to date, are they aware of what is acceptable and what isn't?
Teen dating violence is very real and happens more than parents know about. Saying that it would never happen to your child is being completely niave. Being educated and prepared can prevent teen dating abuse.
Newly released is Tornado Warning: A Memoir of Teen Dating Violence by Elin Stebbins Waldal. This powerful true story not only can help parents and teens to better understand the effects of teen dating abuse, it also allows the readers to understand that if you are a victim of it, you can rise above it.
Warning Signs
While the following non-specific warning signs could indicate other concerning things such as depression or drug use, these should also raise a red flag for parents and adult caregivers about the possibility of an unhealthy relationship:
•no longer hanging out with his/her circle of friends
•wearing the same clothing
•distracted when spoken to
•constantly checking cell phone, gets extremely upset when asked to turn phone off
•withdrawn, quieter than usual
•angry, irritable when asked how they are doing
•making excuses for their boyfriend/girlfriend
•showering immediately after getting home
•unexplained scratches or bruises
How do you know if your teen is ready to date?
Pre-order your copy of Tornado Warning today.
Learn more at Love is Not Abuse. In St. Johns County, The Betty Griffin House is for victims of domestic abuse and violence.
Be an educated parent, you will have safer teens!
Read more.